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Bankslip paid Webhook


📘 To learn more about webhooks in our API, follow the link below:

About Webhooks

When a bankslip charge payment is credited to your account, the best way to receive this information is using the webhook CHARGE_PAID. As soon as a bankslip payment is received in your account, aCHARGE_PAID weboohk is sent.

Here's the simplest way to configure a CHARGE_PAID webhook:


x-delbank-api-keyRequired. API key


"eventType": "CHARGE_PAID",
"url": "", // Add your own URL here
"authorization": "NONE,
"authorizationScheme": "NONE"

Now once a bankslip is paid and credited to your account here's what you are going to receive on the registered URL:


"name":"DELCRED SCD S.A."
"name":"DELCRED SCD S.A."

And another example

"name":"TEST PAYER",
"address":"ADDRESS TEST",
"city":"SÃO PAULO",
"email":"[email protected]"
"name":"TEST PAYER",
"fantasyName":"BCO RENDIMENTO S.A."

Here are the attributes that are passed by the CHARGE_PAID webhook:

nsuThe unique identifier for the transaction (e.g., "513").
correlationIdA unique identifier used to track the transaction (e.g., "217c34be-b374-4e33-9ae2-1b46f14b7116").
referenceIdThe reference identifier for the transaction (e.g., "E3822485720230705211537850921369").
sourceThe source of the transaction (e.g., "SPI").
amountThe monetary value of the transaction (e.g., 12.12).
createdAtThe timestamp indicating when the transaction was created (e.g., "2023-07-05T17:52:33Z").
payerAn object containing information about the payer of the transaction.
payer.nameThe name of the payer (e.g., "FULANO DA SILVA").
payer.documentThe document number of the payer (e.g., "12399999999").
proofAn object containing detailed proof information for the transaction.
proof.endToEndIdThe unique identifier for the transaction within the proof context (e.g., "E3822485720230705211537850921369").
proof.transactionIdThe unique identifier for the transaction (e.g., "chargeCqkFlaENmal5NrPK58J").
proof.keyA unique key for the proof (e.g., "5b0ac9a4-fad6-43f9-be70-6d7c9a2fad26").
proof.amountThe monetary value of the transaction within the proof context (e.g., 12.12).
proof.payerAn object containing information about the payer of the transaction.
proof.payer.numberThe account number of the payer (e.g., "10065").
proof.payer.branchThe branch number of the payer's account (e.g., "0001").
proof.payer.typeThe type of the payer's account (e.g., "CURRENT").
proof.payer.holderAn object containing information about the holder of the payer's account.
proof.payer.holder.nameThe name of the payer (e.g., "FULANO DA SILVA").
proof.payer.holder.documentThe document number of the payer (e.g., "02599999908").
proof.payer.participantAn object containing information about the financial institution of the payer.
proof.payer.participant.ispbThe ISPB code of the payer's financial institution (e.g., "38224857").
proof.payer.participant.nameThe name of the payer's financial institution (e.g., "DELCRED SCD S.A.").
proof.payeeAn object containing information about the payee of the transaction.
proof.payee.numberThe account number of the payee (e.g., "29823").
proof.payee.branchThe branch number of the payee's account (e.g., "0001").
proof.payee.typeThe type of the payee's account (e.g., "CURRENT").
proof.payee.holderAn object containing information about the holder of the payee's account.
proof.payee.holder.nameThe name of the payee (e.g., "HOMOLOGACAO INTEGRACAO API").
proof.payee.holder.documentThe document number of the payee (e.g., "30287697789").
proof.payee.participantAn object containing information about the financial institution of the payee.
proof.payee.participant.ispbThe ISPB code of the payee's financial institution (e.g., "38224857").
proof.payee.participant.nameThe name of the payee's financial institution (e.g., "DELCRED SCD S.A.").