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Pix transfer with bank account

Pix with bank account information (Manual Pix)

It is possible to make a Pix without the key, you only need to inform the bank account information of the client (similar to TED ("Transferência Eletrônica Disponível" or Electronic Transfer Available)). In this scenario, you do not need to use the payment initiation endpoint, just fill in the payload data and send the desired amount.




x-delbank-api-keyRequired. API Key
IdempotencyKeyRequired. Idempotency key of the requisition. Inform a GUID, being new for every requisition.


amountstringRequired. Transfer amount.
descriptionstringTransfer description. This information will be shown to the beneficiary account
beneficiaryobjectRequired. Object containing all the info about the beneficiary account (receiver account).
beneficiary.numberstringRequired. Beneficiary client bank account number
beneficiary.branchstringRequired. Beneficiary client bank account branch
beneficiary.typeenumRequired.Beneficiary client bank account type.. Domains:
CURRENT - Current Account
PAYMENT - Payment Account
SAVING - Savings Account
SALARY - Salary Account
beneficiary.participantIspbstringRequired. ISPB code of the beneficiary client bank account.
beneficiary.holderobjectRequired. Object containing all the information about the holder of the beneficiary account.
beneficiary.holder.documentstringRequired. Document of the beneficiary bank account holder (CPF/CNPJ).
beneficiary.holder.namestringRequired. Fullname of the beneficiary bank account holder.
beneficiary.holder.typeenumRequired. Type of the holder's document.. Domains:
NATURAL - Natural Person
LEGAL - Legal Person


The status code 200 will indicate success in the transaction.

Being successful, the return will bring the following fields in JSON format:


🚧 This information will be returned after the transfer creation and transfer query.

"id": "0fc7821d-b488-4268-88c0-a2bc443d046e",
"endToEndId": "E3822485720230808004731LMaDWkOcM",
"transactionNsu": 722355,
"status": "PIX_PROCESSING",
"type": "PIX_MANUAL",
"amount": 0.55,
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T00:47:31.251Z",
"description": "manual JD",
"payer": {
"number": "31712",
"branch": "0001",
"type": "CURRENT",
"holder": {
"document": "32752023000149",
"name": "bxxdbde",
"type": "LEGAL"
"participant": {
"name": "DELBANK",
"ispb": "38224857"
"beneficiary": {
"number": "46441",
"branch": "0007",
"type": "CURRENT",
"holder": {
"document": "01234567890",
"type": "NATURAL"
"participant": {
"ispb": "04902979"

Pix Status

PIX_ERRORThere was an error with the transfer
PIX_PROCESSINGThe transfer is being processed
PIX_WAITING_SPI_RESPONSEThe transfer is waiting SPI response
PIX_EFFECTIVEThe transfer was successful
PIX_REFUND_PAYMENT_UPDATEDEvent for sent refunds