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Update a Tariff

Use the following endpoint to edit or alter a tariff:

PUT ''


Name                                         Description                                         
x-delfinance-api-keyRequired. API key

Body attributes

bankAccountstringRequired. Bank account that will be charged
intervalstringThe interval in which the customer will be charged
- minute - Charge will activate every minute
- hour - Charge will activate every hour
- day - Charge will activate every day
- week - Charge will activate every week
- month - Charge will activate every month
- year - Charge will activate every year
chargeFeeTypeenumWhich type of transaction your customer will be charged
- 7 - TED sent
- 8 - TED received
- 10 - Pix sent
- 11 - Pix received
- 12 - Refunded Pix received
- 13 - Refunded Pix sent
- 21 - TED refunded
- 43 - Pix administrative refund
- 78 - Refunded Pix sent (transaction undo)
- 133 - Pix debited via MED RDR (transaction undo)
- 9001 - Escrow monthly fee
- 9002 - API monthly fee
amountnumberAmount that will be charged on defined interval
startDatedateThe date when the fee calculation begins.
paymentDatedateThe date where the first payment will occur, after this date the interval will set in


"bankAccount": "10138",
"interval": "day",
"chargeFeeType": "11",
"amount": 10,
"startDate": "2024-01-01",
"paymentDate": "2024-01-01"


On a sucessful response you will receive a status code of 204